
Show Notes

A virtual assistant can be a lifesaver for busy entrepreneurs, who are struggling to find enough hours in the day.  Anna Li relies on her own virtual assistant to help her manage her multiple businesses and real estate holdings. 

Anna runs outsourceyourtasks.com, a business that facilitates the hiring of a virtual assistant that is right for you.  ( https://www.outsourceyourtasks.com )

In this episode, Anna also talks about becoming a real estate investor, leaving her W2, and being an entrepreneur full time.

Anna may be reached at anna@outsourceyourtasks.com and on most social platforms under the name Anna Li.

The book mentioned during the podcast is The 4-Hour Workweek  by  Tim Ferris.  ( https://www.amazon.com/4-Hour-Work-Week-Anywhere-2008-04-03/dp/B01K94RC0M/ )

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